In 1980 when I first met Chris Benson, I was really struck by his, “everyday is like Christmas” attitude. Years later working and writing for Bill that same spirit was refined to his version “when I get to see you at the oyster bar.” I had my first large-ish (outdoors and all safe distances) event last weekend. I was amazed by the energy of seeing friends old and new there. That was even more poignant with statements like, like “Bill served us at……and you served at our daughter’s wedding ten years ago.”
The next day I was filled with renewed optimism and knowing that this darkness has got to give. I know the more we get together (and you know the rest).
This Sunday at Loma Prieta we celebrate that spirit and my ramp up to the new world order (there is no normal left for our return). Oysters are free. Pay what you feel. That’s it. Regular retail, or selling oysters by the shell, will be the last part of my business to return. In the meantime, “what? we shouldn’t enjoy ourselves?” The days when I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have a really good time. Let’s share some time and oyster together.